Kapa Curious is dedicated to teaching what we know of creating kapa, processing hau, and making natural dyes with people of all ages. Our children are the future so a portion of each workshop is donated to the Kapa Curious Scholarship, which will support Hawaiʻi students dreams of attending college.
Kapa Curious has just completed a set or workshops and is currently working on pinning down future dates. Once the days are chosen, we will post it online and announce it on our Instagram page. Any request for group or one-on-one experiences, please contact me via the “contact” button.
Nā Waiho’olu’u o Hawaiʻi- The Colors of Hawaiʻi
Kapa Curious Natural Dye Workshop
As a student you will be taught the traditional & modern uses of Native Hawaiian plants, how to process the dyes and much more. You will also leave with 8-10 Natural Dye cards which you will fill out for each of the dyes made during the workshop, swatches of muslin that have been scoured and previously mordanted, and a pamphlet with some basic vocabulary and information in it.
Next Workshop Date: TBD
Hau You?
Kapa Curious Hau Workshop
Hau is very versatile and in this workshop we explore in depth what this tree was once used for in ancient Hawaiʻi and what it can be used for today in modern Hawaiʻi. Students will learn how to process the hau fiber, then work with already presoaked fibers on sorting it for various purposes (i.e. sewing, cordage, jewelry). We will also be dyeing pieces of hau to see how it reacts to natural dyes as well as going over 3 of the 5 dyes that are created from the hau tree itself. Each student will leave with their own hau fibers that they can soak at home, pieces of dyed hau, and a pamphlet of information on the hau tree and the things we went over during the workshop.
Upcoming Workshops: Community Workshops: TBD. Open for Private Events Only.
Hana Kapa
Kapa Curious’s Kapa Workshop

Workshop Date:
There are 3 levels for Kapa Curious that will graduate a haumana (student) from having attended Kapa Curious Workshops to Kekai being your actual kumu. The difference is the depth of knowledge that is shared and absorbed by the student and how much time and aloha the student is willing to dedicate to the art of kapa making. Haumana that have completed all 3 levels with Kapa Curious will be listed in our personal files as being our official haumana and will receive all 3 pins which reflects we shared everything we could with them regarding kapa making. We encourage students to attend other kapa workshops and speak to other kapa makers to further their knowledge no matter how far advanced they becom
hihimanu- Level 1
Students will learn the different plants that kapa is derived from and how wauke is the most well known and favored plant to use. We will discuss the best ways to grow wauke and the pest and other environmental factors you will need to watch out for. Students will also learn to remove the ‘ili lepo (outer bark) from the wauke plant, strip the inner bark, and how water affects the fibers. We would use both pohaku kua and la’au kua during this class and explore the difference between a well soaked wauke piece to a newly peeled piece. The legend of Kapa Creation will be shared and the uses of kapa in ancient and modern Hawaiʻi will be discussed.
Each student will leave with their own small kapa piece, a pamphlet with information on kapa, a small tin with 3 colors that can be used to paint on the kapa piece, a pohaku that will help soften their kapa once it has dried, and a Hihimanu pin that reflects they have attended and passed the first level of Hana Kapa.
‘Iwa Fern-Level 2
This second class will consist of doing a 2nd or 3rd pounding to your existing kapa piece. If you need new fiber to create on, then there will be an additional charge for purchasing another wauke piece. Discussing dyes, mordants, ‘ohe kapala and applying what we discussed to your kapa piece. Sometimes this will take more then 1-2 visits depending on what the student wants their piece to look like. This workshop is more of a meeting of interest which means that it will be less structured and you as the kapa creator are able to ask questions and direct how you want your piece to turn out. While your kapa dries in the sun you will sketch your design or research natural dyes that will help to complete your kapa piece. As this is a less formal workshop, the cost is simply to cover the use of Kapa Curious tools.
*Exclusively for students that have attended the first workshop
Manu ‘iwa- level 3
Our haumana by this stage will be growing their own wauke plant and have successfully created their own finished piece of kapa. If the student already has their own tools then they are able to bring that with them during each session which will cut their cost to $0. This is the opportunity to be curious and explore the art of kapa making with a community of others who enjoy it just as much. A keiki wauke plant is given as a gift at this stage along with the final Manu ‘Iwa pin.
Personal invitations will be available to those that complete Levels 1 & 2 and who also show respect to Hawaiian culture and art.
Important note from Kekai-
When I claim you as my haumana and you are able to claim me as your kumu, we are creating a lasting connection between my Hawaiian ancestors, you and any of your own future haumana. Who you teach and any of your children that learn from you will in essence have learned from me. It is a powerful connection and one that I will not share with just anyone. Your actions as my haumana reflect on me and on my kupuna so, before being invited to this 3rd level this will be taken into consideration.